
B2B Bullets
- 42% of sales reps feel they do not have the right information before making a sales call.
Nearly all (98%) of small-business software buyers are shopping for marketing-automation software for the first time, according to a new report by research firm Software Advice, a division of Gartner. (Softwareadvice.com)
- Many B2B companies have started deploying inbound marketing strategies. At the core of those strategies is content marketing. Some 93% of B2B organizations are using some form of content marketing, but less than half (42%) say they’re effective at it.
- Beyond contact information, product pricing is the next-most important information buyers need to move forward with a vendor, and also is the top “must-have” among the various sales and product-related information assets buyers need to see on a website. Yet pricing information also appears to be often neglected, with 57% of respondents saying that pricing information is lacking on vendor websites. (This was second only to details about technical support, said to be lacking by 59% of respondents.)
- According to October 2014 research by the Economist Intelligence Unit, the greater availability and use of data in business can create a “virtuous circle,” with nearly two-thirds of executives worldwide reporting that information and knowledge were being shared more quickly and freely in their companies.
Brand Strategy Bullets
- App marketers are employing push more and more to deliver important or interesting information, with good reason, as 52% of people opt-in for push messages.
- Browsing for coupons is the second most popular digital activity for U.S. grocery shoppers.
- U.S. adults will spend more than 5-and-a-half hours per day with digital media this year, up by almost a half-hour year-over-year, per eMarketer’s latest estimates. The majority (2:51) of that time will be spent with the mobile internet, which will have seen a compound annual growth rate of 37.2% between 2011 and 2015.
- According to January 2015 research by Advertiser Perceptions, U.S. media sellers allocated nearly 40% of their programmatic ad inventory to mobile.
- 57% of consumers are more likely to pay attention to companies if they are contacted at the right time and in the right context, and 52% of consumers expect businesses to know when this time is.
Energy Bullets
- The U.S. power sector is decarbonizing, with the contribution of renewable energy rising from 8.3% to 12.8% in that last several years and the production and consumption of natural gas hitting record highs in 2014. Since 2000, 93% of new power capacity built in the U.S. has come from natural gas and renewables.
- Natural gas is the cleanest burning conventional fuel, producing 45% less carbon dioxide than coal.
- Despite the first-quarter slowdown in U.S. economic growth, which resulted from cold weather and cautious capital investment (particularly related to oil companies), economists expect the slowdown to prove temporary, with economic growth expected to come in between 2.5% to 3% for the year, a stronger pace than most developed economies around the world.
- High fuel prices have increased interest in alternative fuels from domestic sources. Fat is processed in the U. S., reducing our dependency on foreign, non-renewable fuels. The U. S. produces billions of pounds of fat per year from poultry, beef and pork rendering operations and spent cooking oil. The fat is processed so it can be burned as fuel in industrial boilers and driers. Fat is recognized as an alternative fuel by the U.S. Federal Government. Fat is eligible for a $.50 per gallon incentive payment through the Internal Revenue Service.
- For coastal American cities with populations above 50,000 people, about 9% of the land lies below one meter in elevation – and scientists expect about one meter or more of sea level rise this century. About 36% of the land lies below six meters – and scientists expect enough global warming this century to potentially commit us to a six-meter sea level rise in the longer run.
Healthcare Bullets
- Researchers analyzed the results of four randomized trials comparing flexible sigmoidoscopy with no screening in nearly 460,000 patients aged 50 to 74. For every 1,000 patients who were screened, 0.3 colorectal cancer deaths were prevented at 5 years and 1.2 deaths at 10 years. The researchers calculated that to avoid one death from colorectal cancer, 1,000 people would need to be screened over 9.4 years.
- 70% of people who use computers and mobile devices experience problems, including eye strain and headaches. (VisionWatch special report: Digital Eye Fatigue.)
- A 2013 study estimated that 180,000 deaths worldwide may be attributed to sweetened beverage consumption. The United States alone accounted for 25,000 deaths in 2010.
- 11% of Americans over age 12 take antidepressant medication. Less than a third of Americans who take a single antidepressant (as opposed to two or more) have seen a mental health professional in the past year.
- 68% of specialists receive no information from the primary care provider prior to the referral visit; 60 to 70% of referrals go unscheduled; and 25% of appointments are missed.