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Mobile on the Move

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Mobile is the future of advertising, and mobile search is on the rise.  Today nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone, and 19...

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The Content Conundrum

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Several departments across a B2B organization rely on content marketing, from social media to event marketing, public relations to product...

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Obesity – A BIG Problem

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Americans are getting bigger. The weight of an average American woman these days is 166.2 pounds, almost exactly what the average American...

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Native vs. Banner: What We Actually See

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In a recent neuroscience study conducted by Nielsen and commissioned by ShareThrough, researchers found that native advertising in digital...

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Following Multiple Devices on the Customer Journey

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With 67.2% of B2B companies planning to ramp up their digital marketing spend this year, more B2B advertisers are using intent data to...

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